11th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1994
A1. Given a point P inside an acute angle XAY, show how to construct a line through P meeting the line AX at B and the line AY at C such that the area of the triangle ABC is AP2.
A3. What is the maximum value f(n) of |s1 - s2| + |s2 - s3| + ... + |sn-1 - sn| over all permutations s1, s2, ... , sn of 1, 2, ... , n?
A4. Find the smallest n > 4 for which we can find a graph on n points with no triangles and such that for every two unjoined points we can find just two points joined to both of them.
11th Balkan 1994 Problem 1
Given a point P inside an acute angle XAY, show how to construct a line through P meeting the line AX at B and the line AY at C such that the area of the triangle ABC is AP2.
Take D on AX such that PD is parallel to AY. Let AP = p, AD = d, DB = x and let the perpendicular distance from P to AX be h. The triangles ABC and DBP are similar, so (x + d)2/x2 = area ABC/area DBP = p2/xh. Hence x2 - 2bx + d2 = 0 where b = p2/h - d.
To find b, we can take a line parallel to AX and a distance p from it (on the same side as P). Suppose it meets the line AP at Z. Then AP/h = AZ/p, so AZ = p2/h. Then if the circle center A radius AD meets AZ at W, we have WZ = b.
Now take a circle radius b and take a point T on the circle a distance d from the diameter UV. Let the foot of the perpendicular from T to UV be S. Then SU and SV are the two possible values of x.
11th Balkan 1994 Problem 2
Show that x4 - 1993 x3 + (1993 + n) x2 - 11x + n = 0 has at most one integer root if n is an integer.
If it has two integer roots, then a quadratic (x2 - ax + b), with a and b integral, is a factor of x4 - 1993 x3 + (1993 + n) x2 - 11x + n. Suppose the other factor is (x2 - cx + d). So (x2 - ax + b)(x2 - cx + d) = x4 - 1993 x3 + (1993 + n) x2 - 11x + n.
Comparing coefficients: (1) a + c = 1993; (2) ac + b + d = 1993 + n; (3) bc + ad = 11; (4) bd = n. Note first that (1) implies c is integral, and then (2) implies d is integral. Subtracting (1) and (4) from (2) gives ac - a - c = bd - b - d. It is convenient to put A = a - 1, B = b - 1, C = c - 1, D = d - 1. Then we get A + C = 1991, AC = BD and (B + 1)(C + 1) + (A + 1)(D + 1) = 11. Expanding the last equation and multiplying it through by B, we get: B2(C + 1) + BC + B + ABD + BD + AB + B = 11B. Substituing AC for BD, we get B2(C + 1) + B(A + C - 9) + A2C + AC, or B2(C + 1) + 2.991B + A(A+1)C = 0. This quadratic for B must have real roots, so we require A(A+1)C(C+1) <= 9912. But A + C = 1991 and A and C are integral, so AC > 991 unless A or C = 0. Similarly, (A + 1)(C + 1) > 991 unless A or C = -1.
So (A, C) = (0, 1991), (-1, 1992), (1991, 0), or (1992, -1). But (B + 1(C + 1) + (A + 1)(D + 1) = 11, so we cannot have (A, C) = (-1, 1992) or (1992, -1) which imply 1993 divides 11. Hence AC = 0 and so BD = n = 0. Hence, (A, B, C, D) = (0, 0, 1991, -1982) or (1991, -1982, 0, 0). Thus the two integer roots are roots of x2 - x + 1 = 0 or of x2 - 1991x - 1982 = 0. But neither equation has integer roots.
An alternative solution by Nizameddin Ordulu and Ali Adalý is as follows:
-n = (x4 - 1993x3 + 1993x2 - 11x)/(x2 + 1) = (x2 - 1993x + 1992) + (1982x - 1992)/(x2 + 1). So if x is an integer, then x2 + 1 must divide (1982x - 1992) = 2(991x - 996) and hence also 2(991x - 996)(991x + 996) = 2.9912(x2 + 1) - 2(9912 + 9962). So x2 + 1 divides 2(9912 + 9962).
If you have access to Maple or Mathematica or something similar, then it is easy. You just note that 9912 + 9962 = 593.3329, where 593 and 3329 are primes. So there are x2 + 1 = 1, 2, 593, 2.593, 3329, 2.3329, 593.3329 or 2.593.3329. Hence x2 = 0, 1, 592, 2.593 - 1, 3328, 2.3329 - 1, 593.3329 - 1 or 2.593.3329 - 1. Again with the help of Maple, 592 = 2437, 2.593 - 1 = 3.5.79, 3328 = 2813, 2.3329 - 1 = 3.7.317, 593.3329 - 1 = 243213709, 2.593.3329 - 1 = 107.36899, none of which are squares. So the only possibilities are x = 0, ±1.
If x = 0, then n = 0. If x = 1, then n = 5, if x = -1, then n = -1999. So there is one integral root for n = 0, 5, -1999 and none for other values of n.
However, it is not really practical to carry out the factorisations by hand in a reasonable time. The major obstacle is getting 9912 + 9962 = 593.3329. Not many people are familiar with all 108 primes up to 593. Even if they are, testing for division by all of them is time-consuming. Checking that 2, 593, 2.593 etc are not squares is much easier.
11th Balkan 1994 Problem 3
What is the maximum value f(n) of |s1 - s2| + |s2 - s3| + ... + |sn-1 - sn| over all permutations s1, s2, ... , sn of 1, 2, ... , n?
Solution Answer: f(2m) = 2m2 - 1, f(2m+1) = 2m2 + 2m - 1.
In a maximal arrangement the terms must alternately increase and decrease. For suppose we have a < b < c or a > b > c, then |a - b| + |b - c| = |a - c|, so we can remove the middle term without affecting the sum. If we place it at one of the ends we must then increase the sum by at least 1. So suppose the peaks are p1, p2, ... and the troughs are t1 + t2 + ... . Then the sum is 2S pi - 2S ti + an end correction.
It is now convenient to look separately at n odd and n even. Suppose n = 2m. Then one of the ends must be a peak and the other a trough. Suppose p1 and t1 are at the ends. Then the end correction is -p1 + t1. So the maximum sum is achieved by taking the peaks to be {m+1, m+2, ... , 2m}, the troughs to be {1, 2, ... , m}, p1 to be m+1 and t1 to be m. The sum is then 2( (m+1) + (m+2) + ... + (m+m) ) - 2( 1 + 2 + ... + m) - 1 = 2m2 - 1. This is obviously maximal and easily achieved: just select elements alternately from {m+1, m+2 , ... , 2m} and {1, 2, ... , m}, taking care that the end points are m and m+1.
For n odd = 2m+1, we either have m+1 peaks and m troughs or vice versa. In the first case we must take the peaks as {m+1, ... , 2m+1}, the troughs as {1, 2, ... , m} and the two endpoints as m+1 and m+2. The sum is then 2( (m+1) + (m+2) + ... + (m+m+1) ) - 2(1 + 2 + ... + m) - (m+1) - (m+2) = 2m2 + 4m+2 - 2m - 3 = 2m2 + 2m - 1. If we have m peaks and m+1 troughs, then the peaks must be {m+2, ... , 2m+1}, the troughs {1, 2, ... , m+1}, and the end points m and m+1. The sum is then 2( (m+2) + (m+3) + ... + (m+m+1) ) - 2(1 + 2 + ... + m+1} + m + m+1 = 2m2 - 2 + 2m+1 = 2m2 + 2m - 1, which is the same.
11th Balkan 1994 Problem 4
Find the smallest n > 4 for which we can find a graph on n points with no triangles and such that for every two unjoined points we can find just two points joined to both of them.
Solution Answer: n = 16.
Let X be one of the points. Suppose it has degree m, so that it is joined to A1, A2, ... , Am. So no Ai, Aj can be joined (or we would have a triangle XAiAj). If m = 1, then there cannot be any other points, for suppose Y is another point. Then Y is not joined to X, so there must be two points joined to X and Y, but there is only one point joined to X. Contradiction. So this gives n = 2. So take m > 1. Now for each Ai, Aj, there must be a unique point Bij joined to both Ai and Aj. Bij cannot be joined to any other Ak, for then we would have three points joined to both X and Bij. Finally, Ai cannot be joined to any points except X and the Bij, for if it was joined to B, then B is not joined to any other Aj (otherwise it would be Bij). So there is only one point, namely Ai joined to both X and B. Contradiction.
Now every point is either joined to X or joined to a point which is joined to X (for if X is not joined to Y, then there is a point Z joined to X and Y). So there are no points in the graph except X, the Ai and the Bij. So n = 1 + m + m(m-1)/2. Also every Ai has degree m (it is joined to X and m-1 points Bij). X was arbitrary, so we have proved that every two adjacent points have the same degree. Hence all the points have degree m.
If m = 2, then n = 4. But we are told n > 4. If m = 3, then n = 7. But B12 cannot be joined to B23 or B13 (or we get a triangle), so it only has degree 2. Contradiction. So there is no graph for n = 7. If m = 4, then n = 11. But B12 cannot be joined to B23 or B24 (or we get a triangle with A2). It cannot be joined to B14 or B13 (or we get a triangle with A1). So the only Bij available to it is B34 and so it has degree < 4. Contradiction. So m ≥ 5.
m = 5 gives n = 16. We verify that that works. Join Bhi to Bjk iff all of h, i, j, k are distinct. Clearly that does not create any triangles. Now consider all possible pairs of unjoined points. Case 1: X, Bij. The only two points joined to both are Ai and Aj. Case 2: Ai, Aj. The only two points joined to both are X and Bij. Case 3: Ai, Bjk (with all i, j, k distinct). Let u, v be the other two suffices. Then Biu, Biv are the only two points joined to Ai and Bjk. Case 4. Bij and Bik. Again let u, v be the other two suffices (apart from i, j, k). The only two points joined to Bij and Bik are Ai and Buv.
Balkan Mathematical Olympiad