10th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1993

10th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1993

A1.  Given reals a1 ≤ a2 ≤ a3 ≤ a4 ≤ a5 ≤ a6 satisfying a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 10 and (a1 - 1)2 + (a2 - 1)2 + (a3 - 1)2 + (a4 - 1)2 + (a5 - 1)2 + (a6 - 1)2 = 6, what is the largest possible a6?

A2.  How many non-negative integers with not more than 1993 decimal digits have non-decreasing digits? [For example, 55677 is acceptable, 54 is not.]
A3.  Two circles centers A and B lie outside each other and touch at X. A third circle center C encloses both and touches them at Y and Z respectively. The tangent to the first two circles at X forms a chord of the third circle with midpoint M. Prove that ∠YMZ = ∠ACB.
A4.  p is prime and k is a positive integer > 1. Show that we can find positive integers (m, n) ≠ (1, 1) such that (mp + np)/2 = ( (m + n)/2 )k iff k = p. 


10th Balkan 1993 Problem 1

Given reals a1 ≤ a2 ≤ a3 ≤ a4 ≤ a5 ≤ a6 satisfying a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 = 10 and (a1 - 1)2 + (a2 - 1)2 + (a3 - 1)2 + (a4 - 1)2 + (a5 - 1)2 + (a6 - 1)2 = 6, what is the largest possible a6?
Solution Answer: a6 = 3 1/3.
Adding twice the first equation to the second gives a12 + a22 + ... + a62 = 20. Hence (a1 - 4/3)2 + (a2 - 4/3)2 + (a3 - 4/3)2 + (a4 - 4/3)2 + (a5 - 4/3)2 + (a6 - 4/3)2 = 20 - 10·8/3 + 6·16/9 = 4. So a6 - 4/3 ≤ 2, or a6 ≤ 3 1/3. It is easy to check that a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = a5 = 4/3, a6 = 3 1/3 is indeed a solution.

10th Balkan 1993 Problem 2

How many non-negative integers with not more than 1993 decimal digits have non-decreasing digits? [For example, 55677 is acceptable, 54 is not.]
Solution Answer: 2002C9 = 1,398,276,498,745,133,921,413,500.
Let mCn represent the binomial coefficient m!/(n! (m-n)! ). We prove first a simple lemma: kCk + (k+1)Ck + (k+2)Ck + ... + nCk = (n+1)C(k+1). This is an almost trivial induction. It is obviously true for n = k. Suppose it is true for n. Then the sum up to (n+1)Ck = (n+1)C(k+1) + (n+1)Ck = (n+2)C(k+1) as required.
Call numbers with non-decreasing digits NDDs. 0 is a special case, it is the only NDD involving the digit zero. It is convenient to regard 0 as having 0 digits. With this convention, we show that in base n there are (n+m-2)Cm NDDs with m digits. We use induction on m. Clearly the result is true for m = 1 (and any n) provided we accept the convention just stated. Suppose it is true for m. Now consider an m+1 digit number.
If its first digit is 1, then the remaining digits form an m digit NDD, so there are just (n+m-2)Cm possibilities. If the first digit is 2, then the remaining m digits are all at least 2, so the number of possibilities is the same as for m digit NDDs to base m-1, which is (n+m-3)Cm. Similarly, for first digit 3 we have (n+m-4)Cm possibilities, and so on down to (n+m-n)Cm = 1 possibilities for first digit n. Hence the total number of possibilities is mCm + (m+1)Cm + (m+2)Cm + ... + (m+n-2)Cm = (m+n-1)C(m+1), by the lemma. So the result is true for m+1. Hence for all m.
In particular, there are (n+8)C8 n-digit decimal NDDs. Note that n=0 also gives the correct number 1 for 0-digit numbers. Hence there are 8C8 + 9C8 + ... + 2001C8 decimal numbers with at most 1993 digits and all digits non-decreasing. Applying the lemma again, this sum is 2002C9. 

10th Balkan 1993 Problem 3

Two circles centers A and B lie outside each other and touch at X. A third circle center C encloses both and touches them at Y and Z respectively. The tangent to the first two circles at X forms a chord of the third circle with midpoint M. Prove that ∠YMZ = ∠ACB.
The circles center A and C touch at Y, so CAY is a straight line. Similarly, CBZ is a straight line. So ∠ACB = ∠YCZ. So we have to show that C, M, Y and Z lie on a circle.
Suppose that the tangents to the large circle at Y and Z meet at K. Suppose the line KX meets the circle center A again at X' and the circle center B again at X". Then X' and X" must be on opposite sides of X. But KY2 = KX.KX', since KY is also a tangent to the circle center A, and KZ2 = KX·KX", since KZ is also a tangent to the circle center B. So KX' = KX". Hence X' = X = X", so K also lies on the tangent to the two small circles at X.
But now we can see that Y, Z and M all lie on the circle diameter CK (because ∠CYK = ∠CZK = ∠CMK = 90o - the last because M is the midpoint of the chord MK of the large circle).

10th Balkan 1993 Problem 4

p is prime and k is a positive integer > 1. Show that we can find positive integers (m, n) ≠ (1, 1) such that (mp + np)/2 = ( (m + n)/2 )k iff k = p.
x = 2, y = 2 is a solution if k = p. Let z = (x+y)/2. If x+y is odd, then 2zm is not integral. Contradiction. Hence x+y is even. x=y=1 is not allowed, so z is at least 2. Hence (xp+yp)/2 < (x+y)p/2 ≤ (2z)p/2 < z2p, so m < 2p. But (xp + yp)/2 ≥ zp, so m ≥ p.
Put x = z+k, y = z-k. If k = 0, then lhs = zp, rhs = zm, so m = p and then any z is a solution. If k is non-zero, then ((z+k)p+(z-k)p)/2= zp + pC2 zp-2k2 + ... + pCp-1 z kp-1 = zm. So p divides zm - zp

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