1st Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad 1989 Problems
A1. ai are positive reals. s = a1 + ... + an. Prove that for any integer n > 1 we have
(1 + a1) ... (1 + an) < 1 + s + s2/2! + ... + sn/n! .
A2. Prove that 5n2 = 36a2 + 18b2 + 6c2 has no integer solutions except a = b = c = n = 0.
A3. ABC is a triangle. X lies on the segment AB so that AX/AB = 1/4. CX intersects the median from A at A' and the median from B at B''. Points B', C', A'', C'' are defined similarly. Find the area of the triangle A''B''C'' divided by the area of the triangle A'B'C'.
A4. Show that a graph with n vertices and k edges has at least k(4k - n2)/3n triangles.
A5. f is a strictly increasing real-valued function on the reals. It has inverse f-1. Find all possible f such that f(x) + f-1(x) = 2x for all x.
ai are positive reals. s = a1 + ... + an. Prove that for any integer n > 1 we have (1 + a1) ... (1 + an) < 1 + s + s2/2! + ... + sn/n! .
We use induction on n. For n = 2 the rhs is 1 + a1 + a2 + a1a2 + (a12 + a22)/2 > lhs. Assume the result is true for n. We note that, by the binomial theorem, for s and t positive we have sm+1 + (m+1) t sm < (s + t)m+1, and hence sm+1/(m+1)! + t sm/m! < (s + t)m+1/(m+1)! . Summing from m = 1 to n+1 we get (s + t) + (s2/2! + t s/1!) + (s3/3! + t s2/2!) + ... + (sn+1/(n+1)! + t sn/n!) < (s + t) + (s + t)2/2! + ... + (s + t)n+1/(n+1)! . Adding 1 to each side gives that (1 + t)(1 + s + s2/2! + ... + sn/n!) < (1 + (s+t) + ... + (s+t)n+1/(n+1)! . Finally putting t = an+1 and using the the result for n gives the result for n+1.
Prove that 5n2 = 36a2 + 18b2 + 6c2 has no integer solutions except a = b = c = n = 0.
The rhs is divisible by 3, so 3 must divide n. So 5n2 - 36a2 - 18b2 is divisible by 9, so 3 must divide c. We can now divide out the factor 9 to get: 5m2 = 4a2 + 2b2 + 6d2. Now take m, a, b, d to be the solution with the smallest m, and consider residues mod 16. Squares = 0, 1, 4, or 9 mod 16. Clearly m is even so 5m2 = 0 or 4 mod 16. Similarly, 4a2 = 0 or 4 mod 16. Hence 2b2 + 6d2 = 0, 4 or 12 mod 16. But 2b2 = 0, 2 or 8 mod 16 and 6d2 = 0, 6 or 8 mod 16. Hence 2b2 + 6d2 = 0, 2, 6, 8, 10 or 14 mod 16. So it must be 0. So b and d are both even. So a cannot be even, otherwise m/2, a/2, b/2, d/2 would be a solution with smaller m/2 < m.
So we can divide out the factor 4 and get: 5k2 = a2 + 2e2 + 6f2 with a odd. Hence k is also odd. So 5k2 - a2 = 4 or 12 mod 16. But we have just seen that 2e2 + 6 f2 cannot be 4 or 12 mod 16. So there are no solutions.
ABC is a triangle. X lies on the segment AB so that AX/AB = 1/4. CX intersects the median from A at A' and the median from B at B''. Points B', C', A'', C'' are defined similarly. Find the area of the triangle A''B''C'' divided by the area of the triangle A'B'C'.
Answer: 25/49.
Let M be the midpoint of AB. We use vectors center G. Take GA = A, GB = B, GC = C. Then GM = A/2 + B/2 and GX = 3/4 A + 1/4 C. Hence GA' = 2/5 A (showing it lies on GA) = 4/5 (3/4 A + 1/4 B) + 1/5 C, since A + B + C = 0 (which shows it lies on CX). Similarly, GB'' = 4/7 (1/2 A + 1/2 C) (showing it lies on the median through B) = 2/7 A + 2/7 C = 5/7 (2/5 A) + 2/7 C (showing it lies on CA' and hence on CX). Hence GB'' = -2/7 B. So we have shown that GB'' is parallel to GB' and 5/7 the length. The same applies to the distances from the centroid to the other vertices. Hence triangle A''B''C'' is similar to triangle A'B'C' and its area is 25/49 times the area of A'B'C'.
Show that a graph with n vertices and k edges has at least k(4k - n2)/3n triangles.
Label the points 1, 2, ... , n and let point i have degree di (no. of edges). Then if i and j are joined they have at least di + dj - 2 other edges between them, and these edges join them to n - 2 other points. So there must be at least di + dj - n triangles which have i and j as two vertices. Hence the total number of triangles must be at least ∑edges ij (di + dj - n)/3. But ∑edges ij (di + dj) = ∑ di2, because each point i occurs in just di terms. Thus the total number of triangles is at least (∑ di2)/3 - nk/3. But ∑ di2 ≥ (∑ di) 2/n (a special case of Chebyshev's inequality) = 4k2/n. Hence result.
f is a strictly increasing real-valued function on the reals. It has inverse f-1. Find all possible f such that f(x) + f-1(x) = 2x for all x.
Answer: f(x) = x + b for some fixed real b.
Suppose for some a we have f(a) ≠ a. Then for some b ≠ 0 we have f(a) = a + b. Hence f(a + b) = a + 2b (because f( f(a) ) + f-1( f(a) ) = 2 f(a), so f(a + b) + a = 2a + 2b ) and by two easy inductions, f(a + nb) = a + (n+1)b for all integers n (positive or negative).
Now take any x between a and a + b. Suppose f(x) = x + c. The same argument shows that f(x + nc) = x + (n+1)c. Since f is strictly increasing x + c must lie between f(a) = a + b and f(a+b) = a + 2b. So by a simple induction x + nc must lie between a + nb and a + (n+1)b. So c lies between b + (x-a)/n and b + (a+b-x)/n or all n. Hence c = b. Hence f(x) = x + b for all x.
If there is no a for which f(a) ≠ a, then we have f(x) = x for all x.
ai are positive reals. s = a1 + ... + an. Prove that for any integer n > 1 we have (1 + a1) ... (1 + an) < 1 + s + s2/2! + ... + sn/n! .
We use induction on n. For n = 2 the rhs is 1 + a1 + a2 + a1a2 + (a12 + a22)/2 > lhs. Assume the result is true for n. We note that, by the binomial theorem, for s and t positive we have sm+1 + (m+1) t sm < (s + t)m+1, and hence sm+1/(m+1)! + t sm/m! < (s + t)m+1/(m+1)! . Summing from m = 1 to n+1 we get (s + t) + (s2/2! + t s/1!) + (s3/3! + t s2/2!) + ... + (sn+1/(n+1)! + t sn/n!) < (s + t) + (s + t)2/2! + ... + (s + t)n+1/(n+1)! . Adding 1 to each side gives that (1 + t)(1 + s + s2/2! + ... + sn/n!) < (1 + (s+t) + ... + (s+t)n+1/(n+1)! . Finally putting t = an+1 and using the the result for n gives the result for n+1.
Prove that 5n2 = 36a2 + 18b2 + 6c2 has no integer solutions except a = b = c = n = 0.
The rhs is divisible by 3, so 3 must divide n. So 5n2 - 36a2 - 18b2 is divisible by 9, so 3 must divide c. We can now divide out the factor 9 to get: 5m2 = 4a2 + 2b2 + 6d2. Now take m, a, b, d to be the solution with the smallest m, and consider residues mod 16. Squares = 0, 1, 4, or 9 mod 16. Clearly m is even so 5m2 = 0 or 4 mod 16. Similarly, 4a2 = 0 or 4 mod 16. Hence 2b2 + 6d2 = 0, 4 or 12 mod 16. But 2b2 = 0, 2 or 8 mod 16 and 6d2 = 0, 6 or 8 mod 16. Hence 2b2 + 6d2 = 0, 2, 6, 8, 10 or 14 mod 16. So it must be 0. So b and d are both even. So a cannot be even, otherwise m/2, a/2, b/2, d/2 would be a solution with smaller m/2 < m.
So we can divide out the factor 4 and get: 5k2 = a2 + 2e2 + 6f2 with a odd. Hence k is also odd. So 5k2 - a2 = 4 or 12 mod 16. But we have just seen that 2e2 + 6 f2 cannot be 4 or 12 mod 16. So there are no solutions.
ABC is a triangle. X lies on the segment AB so that AX/AB = 1/4. CX intersects the median from A at A' and the median from B at B''. Points B', C', A'', C'' are defined similarly. Find the area of the triangle A''B''C'' divided by the area of the triangle A'B'C'.
Answer: 25/49.
Let M be the midpoint of AB. We use vectors center G. Take GA = A, GB = B, GC = C. Then GM = A/2 + B/2 and GX = 3/4 A + 1/4 C. Hence GA' = 2/5 A (showing it lies on GA) = 4/5 (3/4 A + 1/4 B) + 1/5 C, since A + B + C = 0 (which shows it lies on CX). Similarly, GB'' = 4/7 (1/2 A + 1/2 C) (showing it lies on the median through B) = 2/7 A + 2/7 C = 5/7 (2/5 A) + 2/7 C (showing it lies on CA' and hence on CX). Hence GB'' = -2/7 B. So we have shown that GB'' is parallel to GB' and 5/7 the length. The same applies to the distances from the centroid to the other vertices. Hence triangle A''B''C'' is similar to triangle A'B'C' and its area is 25/49 times the area of A'B'C'.
Show that a graph with n vertices and k edges has at least k(4k - n2)/3n triangles.
Label the points 1, 2, ... , n and let point i have degree di (no. of edges). Then if i and j are joined they have at least di + dj - 2 other edges between them, and these edges join them to n - 2 other points. So there must be at least di + dj - n triangles which have i and j as two vertices. Hence the total number of triangles must be at least ∑edges ij (di + dj - n)/3. But ∑edges ij (di + dj) = ∑ di2, because each point i occurs in just di terms. Thus the total number of triangles is at least (∑ di2)/3 - nk/3. But ∑ di2 ≥ (∑ di) 2/n (a special case of Chebyshev's inequality) = 4k2/n. Hence result.
f is a strictly increasing real-valued function on the reals. It has inverse f-1. Find all possible f such that f(x) + f-1(x) = 2x for all x.
Answer: f(x) = x + b for some fixed real b.
Suppose for some a we have f(a) ≠ a. Then for some b ≠ 0 we have f(a) = a + b. Hence f(a + b) = a + 2b (because f( f(a) ) + f-1( f(a) ) = 2 f(a), so f(a + b) + a = 2a + 2b ) and by two easy inductions, f(a + nb) = a + (n+1)b for all integers n (positive or negative).
Now take any x between a and a + b. Suppose f(x) = x + c. The same argument shows that f(x + nc) = x + (n+1)c. Since f is strictly increasing x + c must lie between f(a) = a + b and f(a+b) = a + 2b. So by a simple induction x + nc must lie between a + nb and a + (n+1)b. So c lies between b + (x-a)/n and b + (a+b-x)/n or all n. Hence c = b. Hence f(x) = x + b for all x.
If there is no a for which f(a) ≠ a, then we have f(x) = x for all x.
