4th Iberoamerican Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1989

A1.  Find all real solutions to: x + y - z = -1; x2 - y2 + z2 = 1, -x3 + y3 + z3 = -1.
A2.  Given positive real numbers x, y, z each less than π/2, show that π/2 + 2 sin x cos y + 2 sin y cos z > sin 2x + sin 2y + sin 2z.
A3.  If a, b, c, are the sides of a triangle, show that (a - b)/(a + b) + (b - c)/(b + c) + (c - a)/(a + c) < 1/16.

B1.  The incircle of the triangle ABC touches AC at M and BC at N and has center O. AO meets MN at P and BO meets MN at Q. Show that MP·OA = BC·OQ.
B2.  The function f on the positive integers satisfies f(1) = 1, f(2n + 1) = f(2n) + 1 and f(2n) = 3 f(n). Find the set of all m such that m = f(n) for some n.
B3.  Show that there are infinitely many solutions in positive integers to 2a2 - 3a + 1= 3b2 + b. 


Problem A1
Find all real solutions to: x + y - z = -1; x2 - y2 + z2 = 1, -x3 + y3 + z3 = -1.
Answer: (x, y, z) = (1, -1, 1) or (-1, -1, -1).
From the first equation x = z - y - 1. Substituting in the second equation: 2z2 - 2yz + 2y - 2z = 0, so (z - 1)(z - y) = 0. Hence z = 1 or y = z. If z = 1, then from the first equation x + y = 0, and hence from the last equation, x = 1, y = -1. If y = z, then x = -1, and hence from the last equation y = z = -1.
Many thanks to Allan Lacy Mora for pointing out that the original solution was wrong.

Problem A2
Given positive real numbers x, y, z each less than π/2, show that π/2 + 2 sin x cos y + 2 sin y cos z > sin 2x + sin 2y + sin 2z.
Solution by David Krumm
We have sin 2x + sin 2y + sin 2z - 2 sin x cos y - 2 sin y cos z = 2 sin x(cos x - cos y) + 2 sin y(cos y - cos z) + 2 sin z cos z, so we wish to show that sin x(cos x - cos y) + sin y(cos y - cos z) + sin z cos z < π/2 (*).
We have to consider six cases: (1) x ≤ y ≤ z; (2) x ≤ z ≤ y; (3) y ≤ x ≤ z; (4) y ≤ z ≤ x; (5) z ≤ x ≤ y; (6) z ≤ y ≤ x. The first case is obvious from the diagram, because the lhs represents the shaded area, and the rhs represents the whole quarter circle.
In cases (2) and (5) the second term is negative, and - sin y < - sin x, so the sum of the first two terms is less than sin x (cos x - cos y) + sin x (cos y - cos z) = sin x (cos x - cos z). But by the same argument as the first case the two rectangles represented by sin x( cos x - cos z) and sin z cos z are disjoint and fit inside the quarter circle. So we have proved (2) and (5).
In cases (3) and (4), the first term is negative. The remaining two terms represent disjoint rectangles lying inside the quarter circle, so again the inequality holds.
In case (6) the first two terms are negative. The last term is ½ sin 2z ≤ ½ < π/2, so the inequality certainly holds.

Problem A3
If a, b, c, are the sides of a triangle, show that (a - b)/(a + b) + (b - c)/(b + c) + (c - a)/(a + c) < 1/16.
Put f(a, b, c) = (a - b)/(a + b) + (b - c)/(b + c) + (c - a)/(a + c). Let A, B, C be the permutation of a, b, c, with A <= B <= C. If (A, B, C) = (b, a, c), (a, c, b) or (c, b, a), then f(a, b, c) = X, where X = (B - A)/(B + A) + (C - B)/(C + B) - (C - A)/(A + C). If (A, B, C) = (a, b, c), (b, c, a) or (c, a, b), then f(a, b, c) = -X.
Put B = A + h, C = B + k = A + h + k, where h, k ≥ 0. Since A, B, C are the sides of a triangle, we also have A + B > C or A > k. So X = h/(2A + h) + k/(2A + 2h + k) - (h + k)/(2A + h + k) = hk(h + k)/( (2A + h)(2A + h + k)(2A + 2h + k) ). This is obviously non-negative. We claim also that it is < 1/20. That is equivalent to: 20h2k + 20hk2 < (2A + h)(2A + h + k)(2A + 2h + k). Since k < A it is sufficient to show that 20h2k + 20hk2 ≤ (2k + h)(2k + h + k)(2k + 2h + k) = 18k3 + 27hk2 + 13h2k + 2h3 or 18k3 + 7hk2 - 7h2k + 2h3 ≥ 0. But 7k2 - 7hk + 2h2 = 7(k - h/2)2 + h2/4 ≥ 0 and h and k are non-negative, so 18k3 + h(7k2 - 7hk + 2h2) ≥ 0.
Thus we have established that 0 <= X < 1/20, which shows that f(a, b, c) < 1/20, which is slightly stronger than the required result. 

Problem B1
The incircle of the triangle ABC touches AC at M and BC at N and has center O. AO meets MN at P and BO meets MN at Q. Show that MP.OA = BC.OQ.

The key to getting started is to notice that angle AQB = 90o.
Angle BAQ = 90o - B/2, so angle OAQ = 90o - B/2 - A/2 = C/2. So OQ = AO sin C/2. Thus we have to show that MP = BC sin C/2.
Let the incircle touch AB at L and let Y be the midpoint of ML (also the intersection of ML with AO). Angle NMC = 90o - C/2. It is also A/2 + angle MPY, so angle MPY = 90 - C/2 - A/2 = B/2. Hence MP = MY/sin B/2. We have MY = MO sin MOA = r cos A/2 (where r is the inradius, as usual). So MP = (r cos A/2)/sin B/2. We have BC = BN + NC = r (cot B/2 + cot C/2), so MP/BC = (cos A/2)/( sin B/2 (cot B/2 + cot C/2) ). Hence MP/(BC sin C/2) = ( cos A/2 )/( cos B/2 sin C/2 + sin B/2 cos C/2) = cos A/2 /sin(B/2 + C/2) = 1.

 Problem B2
The function f on the positive integers satisfies f(1) = 1, f(2n + 1) = f(2n) + 1 and f(2n) = 3 f(n). Find the set of all m such that m = f(n) for some n.
We show that to obtain f(n), one writes n in base 2 and then reads it in base 3. For example 12 = 11002, so f(12) = 11003 = 36. Let g(n) be defined in this way. Then certainly g(1) = 1. Now 2n+1 has the same binary expansion as 2n except for a final 1, so g(2n+1) = g(2n) + 1. Similarly, 2n has the same binary expansion as n with the addition of a final zero. Hence g(2n) = 3 g(n). So g is the same as f. Hence the set of all m such that m = f(n) for some n is the the set of all m which can be written in base 3 without a digit 2. 

Problem B3
Show that there are infinitely many solutions in positive integers to 2a2 - 3a + 1= 3b2 + b.
Put A = a - 1 and the equation becomes A(2A + 1) = b(3b + 1). Let d be the greatest common divisor of A and b. Put A = dx, b = dy. Then x(2dx + 1) = y(3dy + 1). Since x and y are coprime, x must divide 3dy + 1. So put 3dy + 1 = nx. Then 2dx + 1 = ny. Solving for x and y in terms of n and d we get x = (n + 3d)/(n2 - 6d2), y = (n + 2d)/(n2 - 6d2).
So we would certainly be home if we could show that there were infinitely many solutions to n2 - 6d2 = 1. It is not hard to find the first few: 12 - 6.02 = 1, 52 - 6.22 = 1, 492 - 6.202 = 1. We notice that 492 = 2.52 - 1, so we wonder whether n = 2.492 - 1 might be another solution and indeed we find it gives d = 1960 = 2.49.20. This suggests we try (2 n2 - 1)2 - 6(2nd)2 = 4n4 - 4n2 + 1 - 24n2d2 = 4n2(n2 - 6d2 - 1) + 1 = 1. So there are indeed infinitely many solutions to n2 - 6d2 = 1 and we are done.

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