A1. Let pn(k) be the number of permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, ... , n} which have exactly k fixed points. Prove that the sum from k = 0 to n of (k pn(k) ) is n!. [A permutation f of a set S is a one-to-one mapping of S onto itself. An element i of S is called a fixed point if f(i) = i.]
A2. In an acute-angled triangle ABC the interior bisector of angle A meets BC at L and meets the circumcircle of ABC again at N. From L perpendiculars are drawn to AB and AC, with feet K and M respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral AKNM and the triangle ABC have equal areas.
A3. Let x1, x2, ... , xn be real numbers satisfying x12 + x22 + ... + xn2 = 1. Prove that for every integer k ≥ 2 there are integers a1, a2, ... , an, not all zero, such that |ai| ≤ k - 1 for all i, and |a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn| ≤ (k - 1)√n/(kn - 1).
B1. Prove that there is no function f from the set of non-negative integers into itself such that f(f(n)) = n + 1987 for all n.
B2. Let n be an integer greater than or equal to 3. Prove that there is a set of n points in the plane such that the distance between any two points is irrational and each set of 3 points determines a non-degenerate triangle with rational area.
B3. Let n be an integer greater than or equal to 2. Prove that if k2 + k + n is prime for all integers k such that 0 ≤ k ≤ √(n/3), then k2 + k + n is prime for all integers k such that 0 ≤ k ≤ n-2.
Problem A1
1. Let pn(k) be the number of permutations of the set {1, 2, 3, ... , n} which have exactly k fixed points. Prove ∑0n (k pn(k) ) = n!.
First Solution
We show first that the number of permutations of n objects with no fixed points is n!(1/0! - 1/1! + 1/2! - ... + (-1)n/n!). This follows immediately from the law of inclusion and exclusion: let Ni be the number which fix i, Nij the number which fix i and j, and so on. Then N0, the number with no fixed points, is n! - all Ni + all Nij - ... + (-1)nN1...n. But Ni = (n-1)!, Nij = (n-2)! and so on. So N0 = n! ( 1 - 1/1! + ... + (-1)r(n-r)!/(r! (n-r)!) + ... + (-1)n/n!) = n! (1/0! - 1/1! + ... + (-1)n/n!).
Hence the number of permutations of n objects with exactly r fixed points = no. of ways of choosing the r fixed points x no. of perms of the remaining n - r points with no fixed points = n!/(r! (n-r)!) x (n-r)! (1/0! - 1/1! + ... + (-1)n-r/(n-r)! ). Thus we wish to prove that the sum from r = 1 to n of 1/(r-1)! (1/0! - 1/1! + ... + (-1)n-r/(n-r)! ) is 1. We use induction on n. It is true for n = 1. Suppose it is true for n. Then the sum for n+1 less the sum for n is: 1/0! (-1)n/n! + 1/1! (-1)n-1/(n-1)! + ... + 1/n! 1/0! = 1/n! (1 - 1)n = 0. Hence it is true for n + 1, and hence for all n.
This is a plodding solution. If you happen to know the result for no fixed points (which many people do), then it is essentially a routine induction.
Second solution
Count all pairs (x, s) where s is a permutation with x a fixed point of x. Clearly, if we fix x, then there are (n-1)! possible permutations s. So the total count is n!. But if we count the number of permutations s with exactly k fixed points, then we get the sum in the question.
This much more elegant solution is due to Gerhard Wöginger (email 24 Aug 99).
Problem A2
In an acute-angled triangle ABC the interior bisector of angle A meets BC at L and meets the circumcircle of ABC again at N. From L perpendiculars are drawn to AB and AC, with feet K and M respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral AKNM and the triangle ABC have equal areas.
by Gerhard Wöginger
AKL and AML are congruent, so KM is perpendicular to AN and area AKNM = KM.AN/2.
AKLM is cyclic (2 opposite right angles), so angle AKM = angle ALM and hence KM/sin BAC = AM/sin AKM (sine rule) = AM/sin ALM = AL.
ABL and ANC are similar, so AB.AC = AN.AL. Hence area ABC = 1/2 AB.AC sin BAC = 1/2 AN.AL sin BAC = 1/2 AN.KM = area AKNM.
AKLM is cyclic (2 opposite right angles), so angle AKM = angle ALM and hence KM/sin BAC = AM/sin AKM (sine rule) = AM/sin ALM = AL.
ABL and ANC are similar, so AB.AC = AN.AL. Hence area ABC = 1/2 AB.AC sin BAC = 1/2 AN.AL sin BAC = 1/2 AN.KM = area AKNM.
Problem A3
Let x1, x2, ... , xn be real numbers satisfying x12 + x22 + ... + xn2 = 1. Prove that for every integer k ≥ 2 there are integers a1, a2, ... , an, not all zero, such that |ai| ≤ k - 1 for all i, and |a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn| ≤ (k - 1)√n/(kn - 1).
This is an application of the pigeon-hole principle.
Assume first that all xi are non-negative. Observe that the sum of the xi is at most √n. [This is a well-known variant, (∑1≤i≤n xi)2 ≤ n ∑1≤i≤n xi2, of the AM-GM result. See, for example, Arthur Engel, Problem Solving Strategies, Springer 1998, p163, ISBN 0387982191].
Consider the kn possible values of ∑1≤i≤n bixi, where each bi is an integer in the range [0,k-1]. Each value must lie in the interval [0, k-1 √n]. Divide this into kn-1 equal subintervals. Two values must lie in the same subinterval. Take their difference. Its coefficients are the required ai. Finally, if any xi are negative, solve for the absolute values and then flip signs in the ai.
This solution is due to Gerhard Woeginger, email 24 Aug 99.
Problem B1
Prove that there is no function f from the set of non-negative integers into itself such that f(f(n)) = n + 1987 for all n.
We prove that if f(f(n)) = n + k for all n, where k is a fixed positive integer, then k must be even. If k = 2h, then we may take f(n) = n + h.
Suppose f(m) = n with m = n (mod k). Then by an easy induction on r we find f(m + kr) = n + kr, f(n + kr) = m + k(r+1). We show this leads to a contradiction. Suppose m < n, so n = m + ks for some s > 0. Then f(n) = f(m + ks) = n + ks. But f(n) = m + k, so m = n + k(s - 1) ≥ n. Contradiction. So we must have m ≥ n, so m = n + ks for some s ≥ 0. But now f(m + k) = f(n + k(s+1)) = m + k(s + 2). But f(m + k) = n + k, so n = m + k(s + 1) > n. Contradiction.
So if f(m) = n, then m and n have different residues mod k. Suppose they have r1 and r2 respectively. Then the same induction shows that all sufficiently large s = r1 (mod k) have f(s) = r2 (mod k), and that all sufficiently large s = r2 (mod k) have f(s) = r1 (mod k). Hence if m has a different residue r mod k, then f(m) cannot have residue r1 or r2. For if f(m) had residue r1, then the same argument would show that all sufficiently large numbers with residue r1 had f(m) = r (mod k). Thus the residues form pairs, so that if a number is congruent to a particular residue, then f of the number is congruent to the pair of the residue. But this is impossible for k odd.
A better solution by Sawa Pavlov is as follows
Let N be the set of non-negative integers. Put A = N - f(N) (the set of all n such that we cannot find m with f(m) = n). Put B = f(A).
Note that f is injective because if f(n) = f(m), then f(f(n)) = f(f(m)) so m = n. We claim that B = f(N) - f( f(N) ). Obviously B is a subset of f(N) and if k belongs to B, then it does not belong to f( f(N) ) since f is injective. Similarly, a member of f( f(N) ) cannot belong to B.
Clearly A and B are disjoint. They have union N - f( f(N) ) which is {0, 1, 2, ... , 1986}. But since f is injective they have the same number of elements, which is impossible since {0, 1, ... , 1986} has an odd number of elements.
Problem B2
Let n be an integer greater than or equal to 3. Prove that there is a set of n points in the plane such that the distance between any two points is irrational and each set of 3 points determines a non-degenerate triangle with rational area.
Let xn be the point with coordinates (n, n2) for n = 1, 2, 3, ... . We show that the distance between any two points is irrational and that the triangle determined by any 3 points has non-zero rational area.
Take n > m. |xn - xm| is the hypoteneuse of a triangle with sides n - m and n2 - m2 = (n - m)(n + m). So |xn - xm| = (n - m)√(1 + (n+m)2). Now (n + m)2 < (n + m)2 + 1 < (n + m + 1)2 = (n + m)2 + 1 + 2(n + m), so (n + m)2 + 1 is not a perfect square. Hence its square root is irrational. [For this we may use the classical argument. Let N' be a non-square and suppose √N' is rational. Since N' is a non-square we must be able to find a prime p such that p2a+1 divides N' but p2a+2 does not divide N' for some a ≥ 0. Define N = N'/p2a. Then √N = (√N')/pa, which is also rational. So we have a prime p such that p divides N, but p2 does not divide N. Take √N = r/s with r and s relatively prime. So s2N = r2. Now p must divide r, hence p2 divides r2 and so p divides s2. Hence p divides s. So r and s have a common factor. Contradiction. Hence non-squares have irrational square roots.]
Now take a < b < c. Let B be the point (b, a2), C the point (c, a2), and D the point (c, b2). Area xaxbxc = area xaxcC - area xaxbB - area xbxcD - area xbDCB = (c - a)(c2 - a2)/2 - (b - a)(b2 - a2)/2 - (c - b)(c2 - b2)/2 - (c - b)(b2 - a2) which is rational.
Problem B3
Let n be an integer greater than or equal to 2. Prove that if k2 + k + n is prime for all integers k such that 0 ≤ k ≤ √(n/3), then k2 + k + n is prime for all integers k such that 0 ≤ k ≤ n - 2.
First observe that if m is relatively prime to b + 1, b + 2, ... , 2b - 1, 2b, then it is not divisible by any number less than 2b. For if c <= b, then take the largest j ≥ 0 such that 2jc ≤ b. Then 2j+1c lies in the range b + 1, ... , 2b, so it is relatively prime to m. Hence c is also. If we also have that (2b + 1)2 > m, then we can conclude that m must be prime, since if it were composite it would have a factor ≤ √m.
Let n = 3r2 + h, where 0 ≤ h < 6r + 3, so that r is the greatest integer less than or equal to √(n/3). We also take r ≥ 1. That excludes the value n = 2, but for n = 2, the result is vacuous, so nothing is lost.
Assume that n + k(k+1) is prime for k = 0, 1, ... , r. We show by induction that N = n + (r + s)(r + s + 1) is prime for s = 1, 2, ... , n - r - 2. By the observation above, it is sufficient to show that (2r + 2s + 1)2 > N, and that N is relatively prime to all of r + s + 1, r + s + 2, ... , 2r + 2s. We have (2r + 2s + 1)2 = 4r2 + 8rs + 4s2 + 4r + 4s + 1. Since r, s ≥ 1, we have 4s + 1 > s + 2, 4s2 > s2, and 6rs > 3r. Hence (2r + 2s + 1)2 > 4r2 + 2rs + s2 + 7r + s + 2 = 3r2 + 6r + 2 + (r + s)(r + s + 1) >= N.
Now if N has a factor which divides 2r - i with i in the range -2s to r - s - 1, then so does N - (i + 2s + 1)(2r - i) = n + (r - i - s - 1)(r - i - s) which has the form n + s'(s'+1) with s' in the range 0 to r + s - 1. But n + s'(s' + 1) is prime by induction (or absolutely for s = 1), so the only way it can have a factor in common with 2r - i is if it divides 2r - i. But 2r - i ≤ 2r + 2s ≤ 2n - 4 < 2n and n + s'(s' + 1) ≥ n, so if n + s'(s' + 1) has a factor in common with 2r - i, then it equals 2r - i = s + r + 1 + s'. Hence s'2 = s - (n - r - 1) < 0, which is not possible. So we can conclude that N is relatively prime to all of r + s + 1, ... , 2r + 2s and hence prime.
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