16th Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1984

16th Canadian Mathematical Olympiad Problems 1984

1.  Show that the sum of 1984 consecutive positive integers cannot be a square.
2.  You have keyring with n identical keys. You wish to color code the keys so that you can distinguish them. What is the smallest number of colors you need? [For example, you could use three colors for eight keys: R R R R G B R R. Starting with the blue key and moving away from the green key uniquely distinguishes each of the red keys.]

3.  Show that there are infinitely many integers which have no zeros and which are divisible by the sum of their digits.
4.  An acute-angled triangle has unit area. Show that there is a point inside the triangle which is at least 2/(33/4) from any vertex.
5.  Given any seven real numbers show we can select two, x and y, such that 0 ≤ (x - y)/(1 + xy) ≤ 1/√3. 


Problem 1
Show that the sum of 1984 consecutive positive integers cannot be a square.
(n+1) + (n+2) + ... + (n+1984) = (n+1984)(n+1985)/2 - n(n+1)/2 = 1984n + 1984.1985/2 = 992(2n + 1985). But 992 = 31.32 and (2n+1985) is odd, so the highest power of 2 dividing 992(2n+1985) is 32 = 25. Hence it is not a square. 

Problem 2
You have keyring with n identical keys. You wish to color code the keys so that you can distinguish them. What is the smallest number of colors you need? [For example, you could use three colors for eight keys: R R R R G B R R. Starting with the blue key and moving away from the green key uniquely distinguishes each of the red keys.]
Answer: n = 2, n > 5 two colors. n = 3, 4 or 5, three colors.
For n even: take m red keys, then two blue keys, then n-m-3 red keys, then one blue key. Provided m > n-m-3 this uniquely identifies each key. So this works for n > 5 (eg take m = 1). For n = 1, only one color is needed. For n = 2, two colors are needed. For n = 3, we need three colors, because if we only use two we cannot distinguish the keys with same color. Similarly for n = 4, we need three colors (and three are sufficient eg RRGB - one red is next to blue and the other is not). We also need three for n = 5, although that takes a little more effort to demonstrate. 

Problem 3
Show that there are infinitely many integers which have no zeros and which are divisible by the sum of their digits.
We claim that the number an with 3n digits, all 1, is divisible by 3n. This is an easy induction. It is true for n = 1: 111 = 3·37. But an+1 = an x 10...010...01 and 10...010...01 has sum of digits 3 and hence is divisible by 3, so an+1 is divisible by one more power of 3 than an

Problem 4
An acute-angled triangle has unit area. Show that there is a point inside the triangle which is at least 2/(33/4) from any vertex.
Let the triangle be ABC. Let R be the circumradius and O the circumcenter. Since the triangle is acute-angled, O lies inside the triangle. We show that it is the desired point. Angle AOB = 2 angle C, so AB = 2R sin C. Similarly, BC = 2R sin A. Hence area ABC = (1/2) AB·BC sin B = 2R2 sin A sin B sin C = 1. So it is sufficient to show that sin A sin B sin C ≤ 33/2/8. By the AM/GM we have sin A sin B sin C ≤ (sin A + sin B + sin C)3/27. But sin x is convex for 0 <= A, B, C ≤ 180o, so sin A + sin B + sin C ≤ 3 sin(A/3 + B/3 + C/3). One can also prove this directly by noting that sin A + sin B = sin( (A+B)/2 + (A-B)/2 ) + sin( (A+B)/2 - (A-B)/2) = 2 sin(A+B)/2 cos(A-B)/2 ≤ 2 sin(A+B)/2 with equality iff A = B. Thus sin A sin B sin C ≤ sin3 60o = 33/2/8 as required. 

Problem 5
Given any seven real numbers show we can select two, x and y, such that 0 ≤ (x - y)/(1 + xy) ≤ 1/√3.
Take the arctan of each number. The resulting 7 numbers lie in the open interval (-π/2, π/2). Hence there must be two with difference < π/6. Suppose they are a >= b. Then 0 ≤ tan(a - b) < 1/√3. So if the corresponding original numbers are x = tan a, y = tan b, then x and y satisfy the required inequalities.

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