Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday by Judith Viorst Last Sunday, Alexander's grandparents gave him a dollar -- and he was rich. There were so many things that he could do with all of that money! He could buy as much gum as he wanted, or even a walkie-talkie, if he saved enough. But somehow the money began to disappear... |
The Coin Counting Book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams Children will enjoy counting and adding while learning the names and denominations of all of the U.S. coins. What do you get when you add five pennies together? What coin combinations add up to a quarter? A bold design encourages play with actual coins while reading the book. | |
The Go-Around Dollar by Barbara Johnston A story describing how a single dollar changes hands, accompanied by facts about the one-dollar bill. | |
How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty by Nathan Zimelman Chronicles the triumphs and setbacks of the second grade as they try a variety of schemes to raise money for a trip to the Statue of Liberty. | |
If You Made a Million by David M. Schwartz Have you ever wanted to make a million dollars? Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician is ready, willing, and able to explain the nuts and bolts -- as well as the mystery and wonder -- of earning money, investing it, accruing dividends and interest, and watching savings grow. Hey, you never know! | |
Pigs Go to Market : Fun With Math and Shopping by Amy Axelrod Concepts of price and quantity enter the picture when Mrs. Pig wins a five-minute shopping spree at the supermarket. | |
Pigs Will Be Pigs by Amy Axelrod The pigs are very hungry, and there's no food in the house. Mr. Pig suggests eating out -- but oh, no! The Pigs are out of money! So the family goes on a money hunt. In beds, under the carpet, even in the washing machine the coins and bills add up, and soon it's off to the Enchanted Enchilada. How much money did the Pigs find? What can they afford to order from the menu? Join the fun and pig out on math and money concepts with the Pigs! | |
Quarter From The Tooth Fairy, A (level 3) (Hello Reader, Reader) [Paperback] by Caren Holtzman A boy has trouble deciding how to spend the quarter he gets from the Tooth Fairy. |