5th Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad 1993 Problems

5th Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad 1993 Problems

A1.  A, B, C is a triangle. X, Y, Z lie on the sides BC, CA, AB respectively, so that AYZ and XYZ are equilateral. BY and CZ meet at K. Prove that YZ2 = YK.YB.

A2.  How many different values are taken by the expression [x] + [2x] + [5x/3] + [3x]+ [4x] for real x in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 100?
A3.  p(x) = (x + a) q(x) is a real polynomial of degree n. The largest absolute value of the coefficients of p(x) is h and the largest absolute value of the coefficients of q(x) is k. Prove that k ≤ hn.
A4.  Find all positive integers n for which xn + (x+2)n + (2-x)n = 0 has an integral solution.
A5.  C is a 1993-gon of lattice points in the plane (not necessarily convex). Each side of C has no lattice points except the two vertices. Prove that at least one side contains a point (x, y) with 2x and 2y both odd integers.

A, B, C is a triangle. X, Y, Z lie on the sides BC, CA, AB respectively, so that AYZ and XYZ are equilateral. BY and CZ meet at K. Prove that YZ2 = YK·YB.
Use vectors. Take A as the origin. Let AZ = b, AY = c. We may take the equilateral triangles to have side 1, so b2 = c2 = 1 and b.c = 1/2. Take AB to be k b. AX is b + c, so AC must be k/(k-1) c (then AX = 1/k (k b) + (1 - 1/k) ( k/(k-1) c), which shows that X lies on BC).
Hence AK = k/(k2 - k + 1) (b + (k-1) c). Writing this as (k2-k)/(k2-k+1) c + 1/(k2-k+1) (k b) shows that it lies on BY and writing it as k/(k2-k+1) b + (k2-2k+1) ( k/(k-1) c) shows that it lies on CZ. Hence YK.YB = YK.YB= ( k/(k2-k+1) b - 1/(k2-k+1) c) . ( k b - c) = (k b - c)2/(k2-k+1) = 1 = YZ2.

Thank to Achilleas Porfyriadis for the following geometric proof

BZX and XYC are similar (sides parallel), so BZ/ZX = XY/YC. But XYZ is equilateral, so BZ/ZY = ZY/YC. Also ∠BZY = ∠ZYC = 120o, so BZY and ZYC are similar. Hence ∠ZBY = ∠YZC. Hence YZ is tangent to the circle ZBK. Hence YZ2 = YK·YB

How many different values are taken by the expression [x] + [2x] + [5x/3] + [3x]+ [4x] for real x in the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 100?
Answer: 734.
Let f(x) = [x] + [2x] + [3x] + [4x] and g(x) = f(x) + [5x/3]. Since [y+n] = n + [y] for any integer n and real y, we have that f(x+1) = f(x) + 10. So for f it is sufficient to look at the half-open interval [0, 1). f is obviously monotonic increasing and its value jumps at x = 0, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4. Thus f(x) takes 6 different values on [0, 1).
g(x+3) = g(x), so for g we need to look at the half-open interval [0, 3). g jumps at the points at which f jumps plus 4 additional points: 3/5, 1 1/5, 1 4/5, 2 2/5. So on [0, 3), g(x) takes 3 x 6 + 4 = 22 different values. Hence on [0, 99), g(x) takes 33 x 22 = 726 different values. Then on [99, 100] it takes a further 6 + 1 + 1 (namely g(99), g(99 1/4), g(99 1/3), g(99 1/2), g(99 3/5), g(99 2/3), g(99 3/4), g(100) ). Thus in total g takes 726 + 8 = 734 different values. 

p(x) = (x + a) q(x) is a real polynomial of degree n. The largest absolute value of the coefficients of p(x) is h and the largest absolute value of the coefficients of q(x) is k. Prove that k ≤ hn.
Let p(x) = p0 + p1x + ... + pnxn, q(x) = q0 + q1x + ... + qn-1xn-1, so h = max |pi|, k = max |qi|.
If a = 0, then the result is trivial. So assume a is non-zero. We have pn = qn-1, pn-1 = qn-2 + aqn-1, pn-2 = qn-3 + aqn-2, ... , p1 = q0 + aq1, p0 = aq0.
We consider two cases. Suppose first that |a| ≥ 1. Then we show by induction that |qi| ≤ (i+1) h. We have q0 = p0/a, so |q0| ≤ h, which establishes the result for i = 0. Suppose it is true for i. We have qi+1 = (pi+1 - qi)/a, so |qi+1| ≤ |pi+1| + |qi| ≤ h + (i+1)h = (i+2)h, so it is true for i+1. Hence it is true for all i < n. So k ≤ max(h, 2h, ... , nh) = nh.
The remaining possibility is 0 < |a| < 1. In this case we show by induction that |qn-i| ≤ ih. We have qn-1 = pn, so |qn-1| ≤ |pn| ≤ h, which establishes the result for i = 1. Suppose it is true for i. We have qn-i-1 = pn-i - aqn-i, so |qn-i-1n-i| + |qn-i| ≤ h + ih = (i+1)h, so it is true for i+1. Hence it is true for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Hence k ≤ max(h, 2h, ... , nh) = nh.

Find all positive integers n for which xn + (x+2)n + (2-x)n = 0 has an integral solution.
Answer: n = 1.
There are obviously no solutions for even n, because then all terms are non-negative and at least one is positive. x = -4 is a solution for n = 1. So suppose n is odd n and > 3.
If x is positive, then xn + (x+2)n > (x+2)n > (x-2)n, so xn + (x+2)n + (2-x)n > 0. Hence any solution x must be negative. Put x = -y. Clearly x = -1 is not a solution for any n, so if x = -y is a solution then (x+2) = -(y-2) ≤ 0 we have (y+2)n = yn + (y-2)n. Now 4 = ( (y+2) - (y-2) ) divides (y+2)n - (y-2)n. Hence 2 divides y. Put y = 2z, then we have (z+1)n = zn + (z-1)n. Now 2 divides (z+1)n - (z-1)n so 2 divides z, so z+1 and z-1 are both odd. But an - bn = (a - b)(an-1n-2b + an-3b2 + ... + bn-1). If a and b are both odd, then each term in (an-1n-2b + an-3b2 + ... + bn-1) is odd and since n is odd there are an odd number of terms, so (an-1n-2b + an-3b2 + ... + bn-1) is odd. Hence, putting a=z+1, b=z-1, we see that (z+1)n - (z-1)n = 2(an-1n-2b + an-3b2 + ... + bn-1) is not divisible by 4. But it equals zn with z even. Hence n must be 1.

C is a 1993-gon of lattice points in the plane (not necessarily convex). Each side of C has no lattice points except the two vertices. Prove that at least one side contains a point (x, y) with 2x and 2y both odd integers.

We consider the midpoint of each side. We say that a vertex (x, y) is pure if x and y have the same parity and impure if x and y have opposite parity. Since the total number of vertices is odd, there must be two adjacent pure vertices P and Q or two adjacent impure vertices P and Q. But in either case the midpoint of P and Q either has both coordinates integers, which we are told does not happen, or as both coordinates of the form an integer plus half, which therefore must occur.

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