12th USA Mathematical Olympiad 1983 Problems

12th USA Mathematical Olympiad 1983 Problems

1.  If six points are chosen sequentially at random on the circumference of a circle, what is the probability that the triangle formed by the first three is disjoint from that formed by the second three.
2.  Show that the five roots of the quintic a5x5 + a4x4 + a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0 = 0 are not all real if 2a42 < 5a5a3.

3.  S1, S2, ... , Sn are subsets of the real line. Each Si is the union of two closed intervals. Any three Si have a point in common. Show that there is a point which belongs to at least half the Si.
4.  Show that one can construct (with ruler and compasses) a length equal to the altitude from A of the tetrahedron ABCD, given the lengths of all the sides. [So for each pair of vertices, one is given a pair of points in the plane the appropriate distance apart.]
5.  Prove that an open interval of length 1/n in the real line contains at most (n+1)/2 rational points p/q with 1 ≤ q ≤ n.


12th USA Mathematical Olympiad 1983

Problem 1
If six points are chosen sequentially at random on the circumference of a circle, what is the probability that the triangle formed by the first three is disjoint from that formed by the second three.

Answer: 3/10.
Only the order is important. We are interested in permutations of 123456 where the 123 are together (allowing wrapping). wlog the 1 is in first position. So the triangles are disjoint in the cases 123xxx, 132xxx, 1xxx23, 1xxx32, 12xxx3, 13xxx2. So the probability is 6·6/5! = 3/10. Problem 2

Show that the five roots of the quintic a5x5 + a4x4 + a3x3 + a2x2 + a1x + a0 = 0 are not all real if 2a42 < 5a5a3.

Let the roots be ri. If the condition holds, then 2 ∑ ri < 5 ∑ rirj. Expanding, 2 ∑ ri2 + 4 ∑ rirj < 5 ∑ rirj, or 2 ∑ ri2 < ∑ rirj. But if ri and rj are real we have we have 2rirj ≤ ri2 + rj2. So if all the roots are real, adding the 10 similar equations gives 2 ∑ rirj ≤ 4 ∑ ri2. Contradiction. Hence not all the roots are real.

Problem 3
S1, S2, ... , Sn are subsets of the real line. Each Si is the union of two closed intervals. Any three Si have a point in common. Show that there is a point which belongs to at least half the Si.

We can write Si = [ai, bi] ∪ [ci, di], where ai ≤ bi ≤ ci <= di. Put a = max ai, d = min di. Then a belongs to some Sh, and d belongs to some Sk. Suppose there is some Si which does not contain a or d. Then bi < a, so any point in Si and Sh does not belong to [ai, bi]. Similarly ci > b, so that any point in Si and Sk does not belong to [ci, di]. But that means that Si, Sh and Sk cannot have a point in common. Contradiction. So every Si must contain a or d. Hence either a or d belongs to at least half of them.

Problem 4
Show that one can construct (with ruler and compasses) a length equal to the altitude from A of the tetrahedron ABCD, given the lengths of all the sides. [So for each pair of vertices, one is given a pair of points in the plane the appropriate distance apart.]

Let the altitude from A be AH with H in the plane BCD. The plane normal to BC through A also contains H. Suppose it meets BC at X. Then HX and AX are both perpendicular to BC.
Since we have the side lengths we can construct a cardboard cutout of the tetrahedron: the base BCD and the face BCA next to it, also the face CDA' (and the face BDA", although we do not need it. If we folded along the lines BC, CD and BD, then A, A' and A" would become coincident and we would get the tetrahedron.) We have just shown that in the plane AH is a straight line perpendicular to BC (and meeting it at X). So we draw this line and also the line through A' perpendicular to CD, giving H as their point of intersection. Thus we have AH and HX and we know that in the tetrahedron AH is perpendicular to HX. So draw a circle diameter AX and take a circle center H radius HX meeting the circle at K. Then AK is the required length.

Problem 5
Prove that an open interval of length 1/n in the real line contains at most (n+1)/2 rational points p/q with 1 ≤ q ≤ n.

This is a variant on the familiar result that m+1 integers from {1, 2, ... , 2m} must include one which divides another. To prove that, take the largest odd divisor of each of the m+1 integers. That gives us m+1 odd numbers from {1, 3, ... , 2m-1}, so by the pigeonhole principle we must have some odd integer b twice. If the corresponding integers are 2hb and 2kb, then one must divide the other.
Now if 1≤ q ≤ n and 1 ≤ kq ≤ n, then |p/q - p'/kq| ≥ 1/kq ≥ 1/n. But we cannot have two such points in an open interval of length 1/n. Obviously we cannot have two points with the same denominator, so if n = 2m, there are at most m points and if n = 2m+1 there are at most m+1 points.

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