Title: Report on the Fundamental Lemma
Author: Châu Bảo Ngô, School of mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA.
Download: http://www.violympic.org/Report-on-the-Fundamental-Lemma-by-Ngo-Bao-Chau.pdf
Amazon Books
Author: Châu Bảo Ngô, School of mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540 USA.
Download: http://www.violympic.org/Report-on-the-Fundamental-Lemma-by-Ngo-Bao-Chau.pdf
- A Statement of the Fundamental Lemma, Thomas C. Hales
- ^ Not even wrong
- ^ Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of 2009, Time
- ^ a b The fundamental lemma, Bill Casselman
- ^ Kottwitz and Rogawski for U3, Wadspurger for SLn, Hales and Weissauer for Sp4.
- ^ http://www.newton.ac.uk/programmes/ALT/seminars/051316301.pdf
- ^ http://www.institut.math.jussieu.fr/projets/fa/bpFiles/Introduction.pdf. p. 1.
- ^ http://publications.ias.edu/rpl/series.php?series=55
- ^ http://www.claymath.org/research_award/Laumon-Ngo/laumon.pdf, at p. 12.
On Central Critical Values of the Degree Four L-Functions for GSp(4): The Fundamental Lemma (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society) - Mass Market Paperback (July 1, 2003) by Masaaki Furusawa and Joseph A. Shalika. | Representations of Fundamental Groups of Algebraic Varieties (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) - Paperback (Feb. 3, 2000) by Kang Zuo. |
Labels: Fundamental Lemma